Director: Tatjana Moutchnik
Short film | D | 2013
44 min
47th Hof International Film Festival
Betti is toying with the idea of cheating on her boyfriend. Without a word having been said, her long-time boyfriend Sascha senses something’s up. Before anything has happened, he moves out of their common bedroom. He withdraws yet at the same time still wants to be near his girlfriend. But Betti wants to be selfish and make love with a different man. A desire that doesn’t prove to be easy – and, when it finally happens, turns out to be a fiasco.
Betti yearns to be back together with Sascha, but now he is the one questioning their relationship. And when he unexpectedly meets Mila, the tide begins to turn. Now Betti is the one who has to fight for her love, she doesn’t want to lose him. She dares to take the bull by the horns …