Director: Peter Kern
Feature film | A | 2010
72 min | Stereo
44th Hof International Film Festival
Peter Gläubiger auditions for a mute leading role and encounters his critic. He gets back for all the bad reviews, and she avenges herself for the mediocrity of art. Both of them are looking for truth, but only find divine ugliness in themselves. In search of King Kong’s tears, they get caught up in a river of emotions. There is the way too fat 13-year-old girl who steals to get attention, and a young boy from Ghana who dreams of Austria. Then there is Austrian politics and none of it comes together. Peter Gläubiger gets the role of King Kong and is put on display at the animal shelter as a sensation for the film. But Gläubiger introduces his critic to an old Chinese custom. In a dilapidated cowshed, he eats the critic’s brain and doesn’t even notice that everything that tastes so good, smells and talks and reads can also get stuck in his stomach.