Director: Doris Dörrie
Feature film | D | 1983
91 min | Mono
40th Hof International Film Festival
Anna Blume is 23 years old and works as a cashier at a supermarket. She spends her evenings alone in her student digs writing letters to herself. On a visit to an estate sale, she makes the acquaintance of a man in his early forties. After charging a family of migrant workers too little for their purchases, she loses her job at the supermarket.
She dyes her hair blue and feels quite strong. She receives an anonymous invitation to a date. There Dr. Armin Thal, the man from the estate sale, is waiting for her. He makes her an offer: DM 2000 per month, free accomodation in his house, no further obligations, no feelings and in no case a relationship. Anna takes up the offer for DM 2500 …