Director: Pablo Callisaya
Feature film | CH | 2017
86 min | Dolby 5.1
51st Hof International Film Festival
This is the story of Manuel, a young man who grew up in a middle-class Swiss society with bright prospects for a fulfilled life. His military service was at first seen as an opportunity to earn money, but was more so a contribution to his self-assurance and pride. The decision to follow this with studying Economics was easy.
But his life is turned upside down after the separation from his longtime girlfriend. Under financial pressure and left to his own devices, Manuel makes decisions based more on societal conformity than his own wishes. Tacit excesses, loneliness, pent-up anger and social pressure overwhelm him.
VOR LAUTER BÄUMEN is a snapshot of a generation who, despite all their comforts, are still dissatisfied and overwhelmed with what are supposed to be the best years of their lives.