31st Hof International Film Festival 1997


31st Hof International Film Festival 1997

Director: Fulvio Ottaviano
Feature film | I | 1997
79 min | Mono

31st Hof International Film Festival

Having graduated in agronomy with a thesis on raising crops in dry soil, Sergio determines to find a job using a self-help manual ‘The Practical Guide to Finding Work’. The tome’s optimistic author rallies him on through each step, from composing a resume to targeting a firm interested in his loopy theory about growing artichokes in Africa. Serving as distraction to his career mission is his ex-flame Rita who is about to marry another man despite Sergio’s continuing passion for her, and his lady-killer roommate Enzo who strongly advocates sponging off one’s parents. Events culminate when Sergio has his first and only job interview …