31st Hof International Film Festival 1997


31st Hof International Film Festival 1997

Director: Sue Brooks
Feature film | AUS | 1997
85 min | Dolby SR

31st Hof International Film Festival

The world of Nhill is a vortex of nothingness where everything moves at less than half speed, where people don’t finish their sentences, where everyone is so excruciatingly polite and indirect that no-one knows what the hell is going on. So, when something actually does happen, the confusion is complete. As when twelve lady bowlers return from a tournament in three cars and one car doesn’t make it back.

The problem is, no-one knows which lady bowlers are in which cars. And by the time the ill-prepared emergency services arrive at the scene, everyone’s gone home anyway. That is more than enough to propel the town into a state of slow motion chaos …